Lady Spring
Illustration from "Folktales Children Love" by Watty Piper, ca. 1957

JoannaGaian Tarot / Gaian Soul News from
Joanna Powell Colbert

"At the crossroads of Creativity,
Nature & Spirituality . . .
is Transformation."

March 6, 2012 ~ Gibbous Moon in Leo

Here in the woods of the Pacific Northwest, March begins in rain.
And in snow.
Yesterday I counted three kinds of snowflakes: big, fat, fluffy ones; thin watery ones; and hard pellets of hail.
Today I woke to a chickadee's call.
I hear a faint whisper: "Persephone returns!"
They say that in Seattle (a hundred miles to the south), the salmonberry is in bloom, snowberry is leafing out, and the yellow lanterns of skunk cabbage are rising from the primordial mud. On the island, I'm told, the red-flowering currant is beginning to blossom.
But not here.
So yesterday I went to the woods in search of Spring.
(Click here to read the rest of the story, and to see photos, sketches from my nature journals, and pages from a book I've owned since childhood. The story of Lady Spring in that book is responsible for imprinting me at a young age with a love for the Divine Feminine!)

C, I just wanted to let you know a little bit more about what we'll be doing in my e-course, Gaian Soul Practices for Spring, that starts next Sunday.
Gaian Soul PracticesIn this session, we will emphasize nature journaling (with camera, drawing, and/or writing), on finding a "secret spot" outside, and closely observing the seasonal changes in your own (proverbial) back yard. (Not unlike the story I just shared with you!)
We're also going to study some of the Maiden Goddesses and Goddesses of Spring, along with the myths of the dying and resurrected gods who were precursors to the Christian story we all know so well.
If you've ever longed to experience the archetypal season of rebirth and resurrection in a mindful, creative, nature-based way -- this may be the course for you.
Today, March 6th, is the last day for the early bird price. I'd love to have you join me and a warm circle of lovely souls who have already gathered to walk this path together.
Class starts next Sunday March 11th, and lasts for five weeks.
All the details are here. Let me know if you have any questions at all. Just hit "reply" to this email!
May the Greening of the Land Bring a Rebirth to your Soul,
P.S. Here's what one happy student said about my Gaian Soul Practices for Candlemas course:
fiddlehead"I so loved the course. It kept me centered and gave me new eyes to really see and appreciate this time of year when the earth is transitioning into Spring. I always thought of the post-Yule season as an endless time of seemingly barren winter, but through your course I was able to celebrate this time of the Land's new awakening. Since I love Brigid, it was so good to celebrate her sacred time too.
Plus, now for the first time in my long life, I have a journal! I write, I 'draw' (not well but joyfully), I gather beautiful images from magazine and paste them in. I use watercolor pencils and have the best time illustrating my pages. I love it! It's reflective and healing and just fun. I even wrote a poem that is now enshrined in my new journal. :-)
I realized how much I loved your course this weekend when my email box was empty, without a new week of reflections and real-time, hands-on activities that tie in with the season." -- Mimi C., New York
Thank you Mimi!
Gaian Soul Practices for Spring

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Who is Joanna?
Joanna Powell Colbert is an artist, author and teacher who offers practical inspiration for transforming your life, at the crossroads where Creativity, Nature and Spirituality meet.
She teaches e-courses and workshops around the country on earth-centered spirituality, manifesting your dreams, creativity as a devotional path, and tarot as a tool for inner guidance and self-exploration.
The Gaian Tarot, nine years in the making, combines Joanna's love of symbolic, archetypal art with the mysteries of Mama Gaia, the natural world. The mass market Llewellyn edition was released in September 2011, and a Collector's Edition is also available. Joanna blogs at All Gaian Tarot images can be seen at Join other Gaian Tarot lovers in circle at

Joanna Powell Colbert, 336 36th St. #172, Bellingham, WA 98225, USA