
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Rotarota: Tea & Tarot

One day when I was having a hair cut, my stylist said she was taking a tarot class.  Immediately we began a conversation that continues to this day.  Art, beauty, life interpretation, nuance, curiosity and what-do-you-think-this-card-means? comments.  She asked if I would start teaching.  No.  That's what I said for a few years.

She was as persistent as I was.  Then it became clear to me that it wasn't about teaching but guiding, allowing each person to find their own truth in a card's image.  No, we don't toss out the books.  We just set them aside while we delve into our own experiences and begin to create a bridge to the subconscious with truths that reflect our connection to a higher self.

That's how the study group Rotarota: Tea & Tarot began.  This month we had our first featured tarot artist, working on a new deck.  (Of course there will be a new deck!!!  We always want one!)  (Just one more.)  Gordana Curgus is the artist.  The accompanying book will be by Judyth Sult.

Photo by Gordana Curgus

The study group card of the month was The Hanged Woman (or Man as the case may be).  With divine synchronicity it was the card that Gordana had just completed.  We were most honored to have her present two versions of the card and talk about the process.

Number Twelve, The Hanged One

This is the second card that Gordana produced for the Hanged Man.  The first one, more traditional, did not suit writer Judyth Sult's perception of the card.  Here half of the infinity sign surrounds an androgynous figure.

My focus is that you know everything you need to know.  You just don't know it.  No, it's not an original concept.  I learned it from a spiritual sculptor in the '60s, Riva Bruns at the Yucaipa School of Creative Arts.

Long ago when I lived in Colorado, writer/artist Rachel Pollack came to a tarot group I hosted there.  To see the original artwork is a great honor, to understand the back story from the creative point of view, expands awareness of the card.

What deck are you working with today?  Use a magnifying glass and see if you missed anything.  In this group, we have half a dozen magnifying glasses on the table and many different decks.  Have fun with your cards.  And may we all send out gratitude to the creative process and the creation of a deck.

Bright blessings this day!!!

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