
Saturday, March 26, 2011

stars in the sky...

The churn of the dishwasher, the crackle of the fire, the endless flicking of the remote as Michael searches a zillion channels for something of quality.  His quality and mine are not the same.  I'm ready to listen to "The Help" on CD.  It was a great read and wonderful to listen to with all the accents of the characters enhancing the story.

The energies of the Universe spiral around me.  That and lack of sleep make me wonder where I am.  Still here.  Jose Arguelles died.  Did you read him in the '80s around Harmonic Convergence and the Mayan calendar?  Well, it is 2011 and maybe he needs to do his work from the other side.

Mostly I've been working with the Paulina Tarot deck this week.  Detailed artwork that invites meditation.

I'm reading "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle."  This is probably a must-read, though I've had a hard time getting into it.

Bought some ferns for the garden.  Mostly I must get everything tidied up before I randomly begin to plant.  Don't worry.  That's just an idea.  I always plant randomly and it is as delightful as painting with both hands.

Speaking of hands, here they are with a fresh coat of pale pink polish, tanzanite and pearl rings and hand braces.  For several years I've worn hand braces and then for a while only at night.  Last month I had a new pair made and they reduce the pain.  This week I saw a hand surgeon.  My hand looks very weird in the x ray.  Well, the basal joint (upper thumb) has disintegrated.  She said it looked "moth eaten."  Probably will have surgery in May.  

Look to the sky and swallow the rain or drink the stars.  We are all blessed beyond compare.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I am so sorry about your hands. My best hopes and prayers to you. I've just started having trouble with my thumb from a bicycle injury almost ten years ago! Oh...;0)
