Stars pierce the darkness. Shuffle the deck. Seventy eight cards invite archetypal truths.
Friday, December 19, 2014
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Judgement / Aeon / Awakening
Constellation of the High Priestess
Judgement #20
Justice #11
High Priestess #2
Stone: Amethyst
Astrological Influence: Pluto
look ahead and back, make conscious judgements/decisions
for self and others
winter solstice, hibernation
self honesty, care-full evaluation
ddedulctive reasoning, cause and effect
no judgement, great wheel of nature's turning
substance of discernment
seek harmony, stability by observing rules
involved in issues of your generation
care of your mind and soul
call to awaken, lay down the cutting edge
healers, therapists, gurus, religious leaders
intuitive insight
assist others in their transformation
a new vibration to rejoice
self love, self forgiveness
Bringing people together
psychic, cosmic understanding
renewal, voice of the deep earth
presence of all elements
renew soul's purpose
spiritual truth, karma, self evalutaion
safety and solitude
a new purpose, let go of the old
live fully in maturity
letting go of ancestral judgements
deconstruction of illusion
Various tarot decks use different titles for #20 but there is an overlay of consciousness that unites them. Look at your card, Hold it and feel your body. What is it telling you? These suggestions,
gathered from Rotarota, are only that, a momentary glimpse at the essence of the card. How do YOU read it today?
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Mark your calendars. YOU are invited!!!
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1st 7:00 p.m.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1st 7:00 p.m.
Poetry Alive Part III with Matthew Brouwer, Shannon Laws, Kevin Murphy, Joe Nolting, and CJ Prince
I am so delighted to perform with these renown poets. Do come and help support the writing project that Kevin Murphy and Matthew Brouwer do with delinquent children.
Saturday, November 1 at 7:00pm
Mt. Baker Theatre in Bellingham, WashingtonI am so delighted to perform with these renown poets. Do come and help support the writing project that Kevin Murphy and Matthew Brouwer do with delinquent children.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Judgement or Awakening
Look for more on Major Arcana Tarot Card #20: Judgement, aka Awakening and Aeon
Gilded Tarot Deck
(You don't have a copy of this deck,
you are missing a visual feast!!!)
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Constellation of the Magician
With so many remarkable images, it is indeed difficult to select one deck.
How do you choose?
The artwork usually grabs the eye
but the text is equally important.
So, here we are at #19
or XIX
with a series of images.
Comments are a selection from the tarot study group
Gemstone associated with The Sun: Topaz
Making it happen, a culmination of energies,
ripening, reaching out, an awakened mind
Free and unencumbered, no longer a wallflower,
now, a sunflower.
A future never imagined.
The will of the tarot speaks the law of love
Dedicate ourselves to Love
Truth rising after a dark night
Spiritual wisdom through darkness
Robust and encouraging
Lugh, the bold Sun God
Carry the sun within
Carry the sun within
A time of growth and delight.
Circular patterns of life cycles.
Self expression.
Rejoice. Purity. Strength.
Let there is Light.
Alchemical key: Source behind the Source
The Lovers escape The Devil and unite in Light
Red and orange equal power,
more power than anywhere.
Potential. Celebration.
Freedom to express the inner Light,
To accept heavenly gifts, unadorned
Questions to ask myself:
How and where am I successful?
What lights up my world?
What or who makes me happy and optimistic?
Where do I feel joy and self love?
What could burn me out?
What metaphor does the Sun have for you now?
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
The Moon Calls Us into the Night
#18 The Moon
Constellation of the Hermit
At midnight, I walk among cedars
and gaze toward the heavens.
A nightly dose of moonlight
gives the day perspective.
Reflected Light
Illusions dissolve
Science vs. Theology
Rays of truth
Symbol of change
Predictable in her phases
Cloak of protection.
Emotions hidden
Illusion vs Reality
Go with the Flow.
Trust your own vision.
Ebb & Flow
Grandmother Moon
Light prevailing in Darkness.
Cycles & Rhythms.
The Moon belongs to everyone.
The Crayfish removes us of earthly dross.
Prepare for spiritual enlightenment.
Diana or Isis
Restless and open.
My face ever changes.
Be content in Darkness.
Fear not right timing.
Relax as she waxes.
Walk in beauty.
Draw her into your heart.