
Saturday, April 23, 2011

magic in the sunbeams

I go to sleep with Mary Oliver
and waken to the babble of forest faeries
before breakfast I stumble to the garden
the dogs soak in the sunlight, eyes half closed
the energy shimmers as I snip, and rake
and gather old debris
the faeries settle in the nests of
Fibonacci ferns 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

sweet spring rain

Rain.  Soft and gentle and gray. 

Cedar leaves glisten. 

Tiny green leaves pop out from honeysuckle, lilac and mock orange.  

Wind catches my red hood.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


this may be a normal size font but i am not at all normal.  day 3 of pukey poopy viral lie down right now stuff.  so.  no blog.

michael is stronger every day.  dressed up as a darling Phool for April Fool's.

he bought me a fabulous resting chair to recover in after hand surgery.  merlot leather.  very comfy.  it was delivered this morning.

i will miss all the parties tonight.  i send my love and blessings.