If I have a clue what normal is...However, it is wonderful to back in Tai Chi and meeting with my writing group and going to my Al-Anon home group. And gas is up to (gulp) $3.99. That alone will curtail some of my activities.
Tomorrow a world wide meditation asking for peace, harmony and well being for the waters of Japan and all the plant life and humans.
For this moment, blessings and sweet dreams.
Stars pierce the darkness. Shuffle the deck. Seventy eight cards invite archetypal truths.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
stars in the sky...
The churn of the dishwasher, the crackle of the fire, the endless flicking of the remote as Michael searches a zillion channels for something of quality. His quality and mine are not the same. I'm ready to listen to "The Help" on CD. It was a great read and wonderful to listen to with all the accents of the characters enhancing the story.
The energies of the Universe spiral around me. That and lack of sleep make me wonder where I am. Still here. Jose Arguelles died. Did you read him in the '80s around Harmonic Convergence and the Mayan calendar? Well, it is 2011 and maybe he needs to do his work from the other side.
Mostly I've been working with the Paulina Tarot deck this week. Detailed artwork that invites meditation.
I'm reading "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle." This is probably a must-read, though I've had a hard time getting into it.
Bought some ferns for the garden. Mostly I must get everything tidied up before I randomly begin to plant. Don't worry. That's just an idea. I always plant randomly and it is as delightful as painting with both hands.
Speaking of hands, here they are with a fresh coat of pale pink polish, tanzanite and pearl rings and hand braces. For several years I've worn hand braces and then for a while only at night. Last month I had a new pair made and they reduce the pain. This week I saw a hand surgeon. My hand looks very weird in the x ray. Well, the basal joint (upper thumb) has disintegrated. She said it looked "moth eaten." Probably will have surgery in May.
Look to the sky and swallow the rain or drink the stars. We are all blessed beyond compare.
The energies of the Universe spiral around me. That and lack of sleep make me wonder where I am. Still here. Jose Arguelles died. Did you read him in the '80s around Harmonic Convergence and the Mayan calendar? Well, it is 2011 and maybe he needs to do his work from the other side.
Mostly I've been working with the Paulina Tarot deck this week. Detailed artwork that invites meditation.
I'm reading "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle." This is probably a must-read, though I've had a hard time getting into it.
Bought some ferns for the garden. Mostly I must get everything tidied up before I randomly begin to plant. Don't worry. That's just an idea. I always plant randomly and it is as delightful as painting with both hands.
Speaking of hands, here they are with a fresh coat of pale pink polish, tanzanite and pearl rings and hand braces. For several years I've worn hand braces and then for a while only at night. Last month I had a new pair made and they reduce the pain. This week I saw a hand surgeon. My hand looks very weird in the x ray. Well, the basal joint (upper thumb) has disintegrated. She said it looked "moth eaten." Probably will have surgery in May.
Look to the sky and swallow the rain or drink the stars. We are all blessed beyond compare.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Michael goes back to work
Blue skies and spring sings up to 59 degrees. Michael went back to work yesterday. Despite recommendations of reduced hours, he decides to do a full shift, which turns into 9 and 1/2 hours. Eileen and Walt invite us to dinner and we enjoy a fabulous salmon dinner cooked by the fisherman and chef.
Today Michael goes to his first physical therapy session today + work. Yes, he's tired tonight. Me too.
Today Michael goes to his first physical therapy session today + work. Yes, he's tired tonight. Me too.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Vernal Equinox
Sunshine and the promise of hyacinth. Leaves stretch from lazy honeysuckle vines. I tend the garden with the help of the dogs and rake up winter debris. Unto this space, I invite peace and harmony that it shall expand world wide, shining to the central sun.
Sun and Moon
A crisp blue sky. We walk the dogs along the back circle. Michael moves slowly but confidently. The miracles of western medicine continue to work with holistic options. Tonight we drove down to the lake to see the full moon. Magic is in the air. All blessings to you.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Full Moon...Uranus moves into Aries
Thanks to Seattle astrologer Steve Schroyer for the following.
St. Patrick and William of Orange
I put the four leaf clover necklace around my neck. A bit of nature captured in plastic that I've had since 6th grade. I wear it every St. Patrick's Day over something orange. Gramps told me to go ahead and wear the green but to be certain to wear orange also. He mentioned William of Orange but I don't remember a story. Just that the color orange would associate me with Scotland not Ireland. I've worn orange on St. Patty's day ever since.
That makes me start thinking of this pattern I've followed for many decades. I wear orange mostly in honor of my grandfather and not as any kind of political statement. However, as I ponder this, it makes me realize that conflicting points of view (in this case Roman Catholicism vs. protestantism. I have drifted far from any of those major religions I studied in my youth.
I see the insidious insidious patterns of war emerging. And I am sad. No matter what our "colours", we are all one. Literally. On last night's news, a scientist said we all carried Chernobyl in our bodies. Of course. It is the butterfly fling in Italy that makes the rain in Seattle.
No matter what you celebrate, I think of you and know we have more in common than ever we know. So, let's celebrate!
That makes me start thinking of this pattern I've followed for many decades. I wear orange mostly in honor of my grandfather and not as any kind of political statement. However, as I ponder this, it makes me realize that conflicting points of view (in this case Roman Catholicism vs. protestantism. I have drifted far from any of those major religions I studied in my youth.
I see the insidious insidious patterns of war emerging. And I am sad. No matter what our "colours", we are all one. Literally. On last night's news, a scientist said we all carried Chernobyl in our bodies. Of course. It is the butterfly fling in Italy that makes the rain in Seattle.
No matter what you celebrate, I think of you and know we have more in common than ever we know. So, let's celebrate!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
rice is nice
Long grain organic brown rice steams the air
smiling from the cast iron pot
rock, pop and doo wop
smiling from the cast iron pot
rock, pop and doo wop
Whatever is Hip Resurfacing???
This link will tell you more than you probably want to know but will give you an overview if you scroll rapidly. This procedure is less invasive than hip replacement and recovery is more rapid. In less than a week, Michael is walking with a cane. Amazing.
Energetic Healing with global consciousness
I pass this along with the intention of sending these energetic images along the leylines.. And invite you to visualize homeopathic Aconite to all sentient beings in Japan and elsewhere. Aconite is beneficial for those who experience shock and see that which is unacceptable. Intention heals where physical remedies are unavailable. Blessings, CJ
My friend Lisa sent the following:
Regarding meltdowns of nuclear reactors in Japan, it is very important now to eat extra iodine, to fill the receptors so the toxic iodine will not enter the thyroid gland I am including a list of food sources. As for Potassium Iodine, it is best to wait for an imminent threat to load up on that supplement.
Food Sources of Iodine:
Asparagus Dulse Garlic Kelp Lima beans Mushrooms Seafood Sea salt and fortified salt Seaweed Sesame seeds Soybeans Spinach Summer squash Swiss chard Turnip greens
Monday, March 14, 2011
the ninth wave mayan time
we have moved in to the last epoch on the Mayan calendar. So graphically we are on the top of the nine layered stepped pyramids found in central and south america.
Each level is 20 times shorter than the preceding level and all levels are cumulative. This means the energy of completion for all the levels is culminating soon.
we move into a time of heightened awareness of our unified reality during this time. The chart below illustrates the speed of evolutionary development at this time.
The Ninth Wave Event Table

Each level is 20 times shorter than the preceding level and all levels are cumulative. This means the energy of completion for all the levels is culminating soon.
we move into a time of heightened awareness of our unified reality during this time. The chart below illustrates the speed of evolutionary development at this time.
Most have seen, but here is info on 9th wave if wish to review....
what is normal?
earthquake and tsunami images of devastation roll across the television screen like a disaster movie with thousands of cars stirred in a vat of water. but this is real. mother earth shifting a shoulder blade and on her surface all is asunder.
so minor home discomforts seem immediately incidental. one knows only to send healing light and love and money.
so minor home discomforts seem immediately incidental. one knows only to send healing light and love and money.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Michael's surgery was on Tuesday. Home on Thursday afternoon. Walker to crutches and now today to a cane. Really, I'm hiding his tap shoes.
writing in the void
are you there? how do i know you're there? i really don't know if you know i'm there on facebook. or if i've tweeted. what is a need to know moment? you don't need to know when the dog looks up with harp seal eyes or when the wind shivers the cedars. what do i need to know?
everything. really. i want to know everything but i accept that there are limits to accessing all knowledge. i just want to know you are there.
thinking about you and smiling.
everything. really. i want to know everything but i accept that there are limits to accessing all knowledge. i just want to know you are there.
thinking about you and smiling.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Lost in the rain/snow sunbreak ...
and found. Moments of self shining like the sun and hours of remembering "silence is golden." Once, long ago, I thought I would be a nurse. One year working in the emergency room, I fell into literature with great passion.
Being of service lingers as an after thought. That's when I began to practice reflexology. Now, as caretaker, I find that silence is the best medicine. For surely the role of the patient is one of feeling powerless and at the mercy of the moment, the surgery or the illness. A grasping any possibility of gaining control. it is natural.
It is not natural for me to be silence. So, I drop back into my zen and remember that I am so much more than my opinions.
I hold Ganesh, talk to Mary Magdalene, chant the 108 syllable Buddhist words...all take me into that ego-less place of peace.
That's where I find myself...talking to the Spirit of Cedar, drooping arms down to embrace me, deva of sword fern, Green Man and Green Woman singing Brigit into my DNA. And the day unfolds...
Being of service lingers as an after thought. That's when I began to practice reflexology. Now, as caretaker, I find that silence is the best medicine. For surely the role of the patient is one of feeling powerless and at the mercy of the moment, the surgery or the illness. A grasping any possibility of gaining control. it is natural.
It is not natural for me to be silence. So, I drop back into my zen and remember that I am so much more than my opinions.
I hold Ganesh, talk to Mary Magdalene, chant the 108 syllable Buddhist words...all take me into that ego-less place of peace.
That's where I find myself...talking to the Spirit of Cedar, drooping arms down to embrace me, deva of sword fern, Green Man and Green Woman singing Brigit into my DNA. And the day unfolds...
Friday, March 11, 2011
Hide the Tap Shoes
Michael and I drove to Seattle on Monday for his pre-op appointments. We stayed at the Sorrento Hotel, Seattle's oldest. It is reminiscent of the Brown Palace in Denver, a lovely old hotel, updated and well kept with the charm of history. We ate dinner at Blueacre Seafood~fabulous food in a sleek modern setting with the blue of butterfly wings as the theme. The only way to spend a pre-surgery day, Michael said.
We arrived at Swedish Orthopedic Institute at 5:15 AM on Tuesday. He went into surgery at 5:40. The surgery for resurfacing his left hip was straight forward and he came out of recovery before 10:00 AM. By late afternoon, he put full weight on his left leg and and took eight steps.
Physical therapy and occupation therapy on Wednesday and Thursday morning. We left the hospital before 1:00 PM and drove home. Michael navigates well on crutches and uses a walker for some things. The new focus for surgery is to use multi-modal medications prior and post surgery, plus doing a spinal instead of general anesthetic. He has not had any pain with this approach.
We both send gratitude to all who sent prayers, healing thoughts and light in his direction. He will be home for two weeks and then go back to Seattle to see the doc. He intends to go back to work that week.
Blessings to you all.
We arrived at Swedish Orthopedic Institute at 5:15 AM on Tuesday. He went into surgery at 5:40. The surgery for resurfacing his left hip was straight forward and he came out of recovery before 10:00 AM. By late afternoon, he put full weight on his left leg and and took eight steps.
Physical therapy and occupation therapy on Wednesday and Thursday morning. We left the hospital before 1:00 PM and drove home. Michael navigates well on crutches and uses a walker for some things. The new focus for surgery is to use multi-modal medications prior and post surgery, plus doing a spinal instead of general anesthetic. He has not had any pain with this approach.
We both send gratitude to all who sent prayers, healing thoughts and light in his direction. He will be home for two weeks and then go back to Seattle to see the doc. He intends to go back to work that week.
Blessings to you all.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Rain eats the stars and Ptah steps forward bringing moments of Egypt from the past into the present and future. A new moon. The 9th Mayan Wave. Hang onto your raft and enjoy the scenery.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
In the Garden of the Moon
Each night I look above the towering cedars and firs to smile at Grandmother Moon on her nightly rounds. Tarot of a Moon Garden is a delightful deck and book filled with magical images of unicorns, butterflies, dolphins, dragons and exotic birds. There a endless ways to choose a deck. However, most often I feel the deck chooses me. First it is the artwork. Second is the written word.
Seventy eight cards of wisdom dance into our lives through many formats. This is a wonderful deck to expand your perceptions of life.
Seventy eight cards of wisdom dance into our lives through many formats. This is a wonderful deck to expand your perceptions of life.
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