Stars pierce the darkness. Shuffle the deck. Seventy eight cards invite archetypal truths.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
When the lower back aches and the limp is in pain, when the neck rachets to a halt, when arthritis balloons the knuckles, only acupuncture tends to the whole lot. Then pick a card and meditate.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
I'm Back!
January and off into the unknown of 2011. MMXI. Whatever happened to ravensincedar? Was that last year's blog that I can't even find now?
From the sweet earth of the worms to the raven in flight, I let the words fly from a throat that does not sing. The first chakra gleams poppy red.
Be with me when you will. The Fool is what we have in common. Journey on into the Mysteries.
Bright Blessings.
From the sweet earth of the worms to the raven in flight, I let the words fly from a throat that does not sing. The first chakra gleams poppy red.
Be with me when you will. The Fool is what we have in common. Journey on into the Mysteries.
Bright Blessings.